As the name promises, our restaurant is a place for all fans of Indian delicacies. Let your taste buds be indulged by freshly prepared dishes that get their unmistakable flavour from the best spices. We cook according to traditional recipes that have existed for thousands of years. We want to invite our guests on a culinary journey through the exquisite diversity of North Indian cuisine.
"Namaste" is a greeting gesture where the palms of the hands are brought together near the heart and the head is slightly bowed. In India, this is a common greeting that loosely translates as "I bow to you". We hope to soon be able to welcome you too to our restaurant in the heart of Mannheim. Select objets d'art, pictures and music will give you an authentic ambience that will make your stay with us a true Indian experience.
India is a very diverse land: more than 15 languages and over 1,600 dialects are spoken in this country, which stretches over roughly 3,000 km from north to south. Each region has its own special characteristics in terms of tradition, culture, lifestyle and cuisine. The Mughlai cuisine, which emerged from the kitchens of the old Indian palaces and which we also offer at our "Indian Palace", is based in subtropical North India. It gives preference to saffron, chilli, milk, yogurt, paneer (a cheese similar to cottage cheese), and ghee (clarified butter). The famous tandoori tradition also comes from Northern India: marinated meat, fish or naan (Indian bread) are baked in the tandoor, a clay oven with charcoal, where they take on their typical, subtle flavour.

All Indian cooking styles have one thing in common though: the spices give the dishes a characteristic aroma and taste as well as excellent digestibility. However, the spices are not some kind of dubious "curry" blend – rather, each dish is freshly prepared with select spices according to traditional recipes. Below, you will find a list of typical spices with their traditional health effects, as embraced in Ayurvedic teaching, for example.
Asafötida | Appetitanregend, verdauungsfördernd, hilft bei akuten Magen-Darm Störungen |
Bockshornkleesamen | Wärmend, verdauungsfördernd, begünstigt das Abnehmen, haarwuchsfördend, wirksam gegen Leberschwäche und Leistungsmangel |
Chili, rot | Anti-entzündlich und unterstützend für das Immunsystem, wärmend |
Fenchel | Kühlend, süß, stärkt Leber und Milz, fördert den Schlaf, wirkt nervenberuhigend und beruhigend auf das Verdauungssystem |
Garam Masala | Gewürzmischung aus bis zu 16 einzelnen Gewürzen, fast jede Familie hat ihr eigenes Mischungsrezept |
Ingwer | Die ayurvedische "Universal-Medizin", erwärmend, beugt der Ansammlung von Schlackenstoffen vor und reinigt, fördert Appetit und regt die Verdauung an |
Kurkuma (Gelbwurz) | Wirkt ausgleichend auf alle Konstitutionen, verdauungsfördernd, blutreinigend, unterstützt den Leber und Gallen-Stoffwechsel, gut für die Verdauung von Eiweiss |
Kreuzkümmel | Verdauungsfördernd, ausgleichend für alle Konstitutionen |
Koriander | Kühlend, schmerzlindernd, beruhigend, entzündungshemmend, verdauungsfördernd, sehr gut für die Haut |
Kardamom | Allgemein beruhigend, im Kaffee oder Tee verringert Kardamom die Effekte von Koffein, stimuliert und kräftigt das Herz, fördert das Gedächtnis und die Nährstoff-Resorption in Darm |
Nelken | Wärmend, blutreinigend, schmerzstillend |
Safran | Kühlend, krampfstillend |
Senfkörner, schwarz | Wärmend, sehr verdauungsfördernd |
Zimt | Wärmend, süß, regt den Kreislauf an |